Clearmeadows Community Association 
Minutes for Board of Director's Meeting 
March 4, 2020 6:30 PM 
Vancouver Fire Station 9 
17408 SE 15th St. Vancouver WA 98683 
Members Present 
Carol Ivey, President 
Steve Wehrman, Vice-President 
Chris White, Treasurer 
George Chinakos, Director 
Paul Gibson, Director 
I. The meeting was called to order at 1830 hours. 
II. Minutes were approved from the January 8, BOD meeting. 
It was noted that the minutes for recent meetings have not been posted to the 
website. Carol and Steve will follow up on this item. 
III. Treasurer's Report 
The report was approved. 
IV. Management 
A. Management report 
1. Owner correspondence-Reviewed in Executive session 
2. Architectural report-reviewed. 
3. Compliance report-reviewed. 
4. Hardship lease tracking-reviewed 
B. Financial 
The delinquency accounts were reviewed. The BOD discussed options for 
resolution of large delinquent accounts. The board needs the entire history of  
these accounts in order to make an informed decision at the next meeting. 
C. Maintenance and repairs 

1. 24th Way fencing contract: The contract was approved to begin  
repairs at the last meeting. The BOD requests AMS to proceed. 
2. Monument maintenance and repair was conducted. Steve inspected 
the monuments. The only real problem appears to be concrete/grouting 
applied to one stone on one monument that needs to be fixed. The BOD 
requests AMS to contact the vendor that did the work to return the 
monument to its original appearance. 
V. Unfinished business 
1. Traffic safety: Steve reported that the traffic speed cart has been  
requested and he has volunteered with the city on this project. 
2. As noted above, the fence repair/replacement has been authorized. 
VI. Owner's Forum 
Four owners were in attendance. The main concerns were lack of recent drive-by 
reviews of community appearance and to report specific issues with some 
properties. In addition, one owner reported an apparent rental property the board 
was unaware of. A lively discussion ensued with the following results: 
•Drive by assessments will begin in the last week of March 
•A yearly schedule will be posted 
•An email will go out to owners the week prior to inspections  
•Board members will ride along 
•The BOD will consider adding more inspections, ie winter after evaluating 
the cost/benefits of additional rides. 
•BOD will go out and inspect properties identified by owners as problematic 
VI. New business 
1. A contract to conduct further reserve analysis has been received. 
The board will seek input from AMS regarding requirements for 
further reserve studies. The overall study was completed last year. 
2. A bid for bark dust installation was received from Pacific  
Landscaping. Board members questioned the need for additional bark  
at this time and will table this topic for future discussion re need. 
3. Clearmeadows website liaison is Bryan ___________? with _____________ . 
The President will clarify payment and request updating of the site. 
VII. Executive session 
Owners were asked to leave and the BOD entered Executive Session to 
discuss owner issues. The primary concerns revolve around the six 
owners/accounts that are seriously delinquent. Recognizing the complexity and 
sensitive nature of these issues, the BOD decided to seek more information from 
AMS regarding these accounts before making a decision regarding how best to bring 
these accounts to resolution. 

VIII. Reconvened at 8:10PM 
IX. Adjournment at 8:15 PM 
The meeting was adjourned at 19:56.  The next meeting will be held on April 22, 
2020 at 6:30 PM at the firestation. 
Respectfully submitted, 
Steve Wehrman 