Clearmeadows Community Association 
Minutes for Board of Director's Meeting 
January 8, 2020 6:30 PM 
Vancouver Fire Station 9 
17408 SE 15th St. Vancouver WA 98683 
Members Present 
Carol Ivey, President 
Steve Wehrman, Vice-President 
Chris White, Treasurer 
George Chinakos, Director 
Paul Gibson, Director 
I. The meeting was called to order at 1830 hours. 
II. Minutes were approved from the October 9, 2019 BOD meeting. Minutes of the 
second Annual HOA meeting were approved for posting. 
III. Treasurer's Report 
The report was approved. TMG introduced a new financial software system called 
"Caliber" that changes our monthly reporting system. TMG will forward information 
to the President and Treasurer regarding the new system.  
IV. Management  
A. Management report 
1. Owner correspondence-Reviewed in Executive session 
2. Architectural report 
The BOD discussed the section of our rules regarding roof material on  
backyard pergolas and structures. An attached structure must have a  
roof similar to the roof of the home. Other structures will be reviewed 
on a case by case basis. 
3. Compliance report-reviewed. 
4. Hardship lease tracking-reviewed 
B. Financial 
The delinquency accounts were reviewed. The BOD discussed options for 
resolution of large delinquent accounts.   
C. Maintenance and repairs 
1. 24th Way fencing contract: The contract was approved to begin  
2. Monument maintenance and repair was conducted. Steve will 

inspect and report to the board. 
V. Unfinished business 
1. Traffic safety: An owner volunteered to contact the City regarding 
traffic safety/mitigation methods open to our community. The city  
provided several options. The BOD has requested use of the radar 
speed trailer as a starter. 
2. Leaf issues: The BOD reviewed problems encountered this year 
due to leaf issues between neighbors. The board intends to develop 
a plan to help resolve these issues and minimize owner conflict prior  
to next Fall. The City has a number of laws and rules but enforcement  
is inconsistent. 
VI. Owner's Forum 
No owners were in attendance. 
VI. New business 
TMG offers courses to board members for free each month. Board members were 
encouraged to attend. 
VII. Executive session 
Four owner issues were discussed. 
VIII. Reconvene 
The board has requested, after proper consultation, that our attorneys make formal 
notification of Intent to Foreclose on property C-122-01 and inform the owner's via 
Certified mail that we will move forward if resolution of unpaid fines, fees and 
property issues are not resolved in a timely manner. 
IX. Adjournment 
The meeting was adjourned at 19:56.  The next meeting will be held on March 4, 
2020 at 18:30 hours at the firestation. 
Respectfully submitted, 
Steve Wehrman 