Clearmeadows Community Association
Minutes for Board of Director's Meeting
October 9, 2019 6:30 PM
Vancouver Fire Station 9
17408 SE 15th St. Vancouver WA 98683
Members Present
Carol Ivey, President
Steve Wehrman, Vice-President
Chris White, Treasurer
George Chinakos, Director-excused
Paul Gibson, Director-excused
I. The meeting was called to order at 6:55 pm
II. Minutes were approved from the September 11, 2019 meeting.
Minutes for the Annual Homeowner's meeting were reviewed and amended.
III. Treasurer's Report
The report was approved.
IV. Management
A. Management report
1. Owner correspondence-Executive session
2. Architectural report-Information for board
3. Compliance report-none
4. Hardship lease tracking-reviewed
5. Website contract- The contract for Millennium Software Design for
$25/month was reviewed and signed.
B. Financial
The delinquency accounts were reviewed.
C. Maintenance and repairs
1. 24th Way fencing-The board discussed replacing the whole fence
due to age and rotted areas versus repair. The board will solicit bids
for the project.
2. Monuments need maintenance and two need repair. The board will
solicit bids for the project.
V. Unfinished business
1. Paul Gibson had previously reported his conversations with the City
Forester regarding seven homes that have not replaced trees. A question
arose regarding whether the city or Clearmeadows would inform owners.
The board agreed that since City of Vancouver tree rules supersede our rules
and authority it was appropriate for the city to send notifications to the
VI. Owner's Forum
An owner brought up the issue of fees paid to the management company when a
home is sold. The owner felt that the fees were excessive and asked what they are
used for. Pam reported that the fees are $125 for the title demand fee and $125 for
the transfer fee. She stated that this was the industry standard and described what
work is done for those fees.
VI. New business
President Ivey requested that the board decide on a new President to take her place
next year when she moves. Steve Wehrman agreed providing that the full board is
also in agreement. Steve also agreed to act as the current Secretary to relieve Carol
of this task.
VII. Executive session
Four owner issues were discussed.
VIII. Reconvene
The board agreed to permit a granddaughter to reside in the home as a hardship
exemption for the Lot A222-01 for this particular request.
The board agreed to waive fines for Lot A249-01 pending submission of evidence of
resolution of the problem, however the owner will still be responsible for the $25
The board agreed to waive fines for Lot A253-01 and A316-02 as they have
remediated issues appropriately. The $25 fee will still apply.
Management presented a list of past owners with balances on their accounts that
should be written off in the total amount of $1,033.83. The board agreed
IX. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Wehrman