followed by regular BOARD MEETING
October 18, 2017
Members present:
Carol Ivey, President
Gary Moore, Director
Chris White, Director
Absent- George Chinakos, Director
Steven Wehrman appointed to fifth board position
Also present: Pam Halse TMG manager
Meeting convened at 6: 31:
Five homeowners attended
xx homeowners represented in person or by proxy. Quorum was not met.
Homeowner family reported on potential Easter egg hunt in the city park. We thank the member who handles signage on meeting nights.
Steven reported on how the park might be improved with more plantings and trees and connection with Friends of Trees and the city park department.
Steven also reported on and provided a suggested digital newsletter.
TMG will put out an e-blast regarding homeowner liability for any accidents occurring on homeowner sidewalks due to leaves. Also that the city rules are against leaves from yards being put into the street.
Second annual meeting Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Regular meeting convened at 7:35 pm.
Pam provided the treasurer’s report and the budget.
Budget was ratified by the board.
Chris White agreed to perform as treasurer.
Stephen Wehrman was appointed to the 5th board position. WELCOME. Steven.
Carol Ivey was re-appointed as board member.
Executive meeting: Called to order at 8:00 pm.
The Executive Board meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm and the regular board meeting reconvened at 8:37 pm with the following action items discussed: Fine waiver request approved because ARC request had been approved a year ago and dropped off the file. The yard has been brought up to excellent standards.
Non- owner occupied home meets requirements as a family member lives in it. TMG to verify relationship.
The homeowner with the unapproved rental has put the home up for sale and will be asked to provide comps and sale data, but appears to be in compliance and fine is frozen and will be waived upon sale. TMG to verify deails.
The regular Board meeting ended at 8:45.
Ongoing needs and ideas: to serve as a reminder of procedures and homeowner suggestions:
Non-compliance letters are sent out upon non-compliance tours and when the homeowners report an issue and it is verified by a board member. The Board will let TMG know if they want to see a report on non-compliance in the meeting agenda report. Otherwise, it may be seen by the Board members by going to the TMG site regarding Clearmeadows.
Community fence. As volunteer time permits, homeowners will be notified to correct issues on their side of the community fence regarding rotting boards and fence pushing out onto sidewalk area due to soil, vegetation, and rocks being placed against it.
Homeowners encouraged to use the community web site:
for comments, reporting, complaints or suggestions which go to both the Board and TMG.