Members present:
Carol Ivey, President
Gary Moore, Director
George Chinakos, Director
Chris White, Director
One Director position is Vacant
Pam Halse, our TMG manager
Second annual meeting Convened at 6:35
There was no quorum. A total of 65 homeowners either attended or provided proxies. Attending homeowner commented about the leaf bins coming November 18 to both the west and east end of the city park.
Last year's annual meeting minutes were not approved as there was not a quorum.
George and Gary were reappointed for another two year term.
New board member Chris was appointed to a two-year term.
President discussed the next meeting to be in January to avoid holiday conflicts.
The leaf bin information will be put out in an E blast. Homeowners will be asked not to blow their leaves into the street and to keep the storm drains clear of wind-blown leaves to avoid flooding of the streets.
Attending home owner provided the information that the next Fleana (Fisher’s Landing East Neighborhood Association) meeting is November 10 at the fire station at 6:30.
The second annual meeting adjourned at 6:40
Regular meeting convened at 6: 50.
Homeowner input, limited to 3 minutes each; total of 15 minutes of meeting time.
No homeowners stayed for the regular meeting
Reading of the Minutes
For previous meeting was waived. The Minutes were accepted as submitted.
Business attended to:
Non-compliance letters are sent out upon non-compliance tours and when the homeowners report an issue and it is verified by a board member. Quarterly the board will review the non-compliance report as an agenda itm..
TMG will provide the meeting packet by e-mail and regular mail at least by the Friday prior to a meeting to give board members time to review it and check on issues.
TMG will do e-mail blasts to homeowners requesting such about not putting leaves into city streets and keeping the drains free of leaves to avoid flooding.
Quarterly the agenda will include a delinquency report review on a different meeting from the compliance report.
Barring any immediate needs the next meeting will be after the holidays.
At the January meeting the board would like to review all hardship request on record to see if they are being appropriately renewed or have appropriately closed or remedial action has been taken.
Chris has agreed to take the lead on investigating ownership and liability of private drives and any repairs that may need to be done which would include any damage to sidewalks, trees, etc.
A strip of property opposite the city park on 182nd avenue at SE 23rd corner is being reviewed. The board agreed to credit homeowner one quarter assessment to provide water to the strip which was once or is part of the city park and the city does not irrigate park property anymore. UPDATE; The City is refurbishing the irrigation system and plans to water the park again in the spring. The owner of the strip of property is talking to the City about resolution of ownership and maintenance of the front of his property.
Community fence will need washing this year-discussion delayed until next meeting to decide the best season to accomplish it..
Financials discussion:
Reconciliations for the months after the last meeting will be included in the meeting packet which comes on email and in the mail giving board members time to review prior to the meeting.
Pam provided August reconciliation for discussion.
Resolution 70-604 was signed by president and secretary to provide that any profits made such as interest on the reserve account is rolled into operating and therefore there is no tax liability
The delinquency report was discussed. There may be one account settled due to a remortgaging.
Delinquency Report review:
Vial Fortherinham (hereafter referred to as VF) is given list of delinquencies to review for collection. Reports awill be provided to Board members quarterly for review.
Homeowners encouraged to use the community web site [clearmeaows.org] for comments which go to the Board and TMG.
NOTE: Anonymous E-mail inquiries cannot be handled. Homeowners should feel comfortable voicing their opinions directly to TMG by phone or mail. Courteous requests preferred.
Landscape status and proposals:
Pacific Landscape performed treatment of spider mite disease in the cedars in the pocket park.
Pacific Landscape performed removal of two diseased cherry trees on 181 circle. Replacement of trees was nixed. There is no irrigation in the circle. Another meeting will generate other ideas for drought resistant landscaping, boulders were mentioned.
Executive meeting: no issues.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Ongoing needs and Ideas: to serve as a reminder of possible projects;
Paint Palate: Board is still considering developing a professional palate f paint colors to simplify ARC requests for both the Board and the homeowner.
Postcards commenting on exceptionally well kept yards. Some have been sent.
Blog suggestion: Homeowner interest in developing a communication means via the internet to provide a way for homeowners to get acquainted and share ideas and issues.
WEB site addition; Homeowner comments on vendors they have used and how they felt about the quality of the work, maybe some helpful hints. The Board would not be recommending them but it could save some homeowners’ time and effort in doing all the research to find a vendor who does a good job.
FAQ’s on the WEB site. For example, a homeowner was surprised that homeowners are responsible for the lifting sidewalks in front of their homes even though they belong to the city. Homeowner suggested those who have signed up for e-mail notifications could get that information. The city cites for sidewalks in dangerous condition.
Community fence: As volunteer time permits, homeowners will be notified to correct issues on their side of the community fence regarding rotting boards and fence pushing out onto sidewalk area due to soil, vegetation, and rocks being placed against it.
Signs handling: (put out, pick up, store) needs new volunteers. We thank the one homeowner who is handling one of the signs. Three more are needed to provide sign handling to meet requirements for public notice. ANY VOLUNTEERS?