Members present:
Carol Ivey, President
Gary Moore, Director
George Chinakos, Director
Absent with notice, Jon Bennett, Director
Absent with notice, Duane Vincent, Secretary/Treasurer
Also present; Lynda Dulong, TMG manager
Regular meeting convened at 6:30 pm
Homeowner input, limited to 3 minutes each; total of 15 minutes of meeting time.
Several homeowners noted intrusive marijuana grow odors. Also possible over building of sheds. The City will be contacted for rules and obligations on both.
Another homeowner is developing a paper and was asking for data on homeowners. Board suggested homeowner go to the census data as such information is not collected by TMG.
Also of concern are the holes in the new fence. Executive Care agrees and has plans for improved future fencing and some replacement boards.
Also mentioned was the homeowners blocking the gap at the bottom of the new fence. The gap is the responsibility of the homeowner and no homeowner yard material should damage the new fence as such damage was the major reason for replacement of the perimeter fence.
The board also responded why the cedar fence was chosen over the plastic fence.
Reading of the Minutes for January was waived. The Minutes were accepted as submitted.
Treasurer’s report
Financial reports for October, November, December, 2013 and January, and February, 2014 were reviewed. They will be corrected and be part of next meeting treasurer reports.
Other financial issues: Gary Moore is approved as a new signor on the CDs account at Riverview Bank.The CD which matured March 11 will roll over. Prior to the next one to mature in September, Board will try to find better rates if there is no need for the funds. Noted that US bank has better rates, but Board is aware we must not exceed the FDIC insured maximum for $250,000.
U.S. Bank pays better interest rates but since that's where CM operating funds and CM reserve funds are deposited we could exceed the insured amount.
Reserve report: Board discussed having Carson come to a meeting to discuss adjusting reserves needed by law for future maintenance and replacement of CM owned property.
ARC report Carol
Approved and mailed:
17806 SE 23rd Street—roof
18612 SE 24th Circle—landscaping
17816 SE 22nd Street--roof
Delinquency Report review:
Vial Fortherinham (hereafter referred to as VF) is given list of delinquencies to review for collection. Reports are provided to Board members each month for review.
Old Business:
Landscape issues--Discussion and decisions as follows;
-Proposals for crane fly spray and bark dust not approved at this time
-Gary will participate in Pacific Landscape tour.
-Noted that it may be time to consider total irrigation system replacement and reducing areas in need of watering.
-Gary to check on monument marble maintenance.
-Pacific Landscape approved for $500 maximum on irrigation repairs.
-Seasonal plantings at monuments will continue since they are included in the landscape contract.
-Board agreed to eliminate non-evergreen shrubs as is convenient because they are unattractive in winter months and replace them with either ground cover or drought resistant evergreen shrubs. The fence looks good without being blocked by greenery and shrubs require ongoing maintenance to protect the fence from damage.
Replacement fence; Executive Care plans to provide a proposal for continuing the fence to phase 2 (east on 20th) and likely phase 3(south on 176th) prior to the next meeting.
New Business
Board and Lynda reviewed CCR’s regarding tent structures in view of public and they are specifically unacceptable structures. Notice will be sent to homeowner.
Board approved reimbursement to Carol for 16 GB flash drive for financial and other Clearmeadow CA data storage $10 and for paying for Domain name for the Clearmeadows Website $36.00 which requires a credit card payment not by check.
Compliance tours will be in May, June, July and August. Focus will be yards, siding and gutters in need of cleaning, debris cans not put out of sight, etc. Homeowners are encouraged to report issues to TMG through the website because all Board members also receive those communications.
ARC's for Roofs
TMG will tell homeowners who are re-roofing what CM standards are and send a copy of the ARC form to Carol but it is not necessary for the ARC committee to process the ARC form unless the roof does not match standards.
Standards are; composition shingles in any shade of brown, any shade of blue, black, any shade of gray, or any shade of brown, and dark green are approvable.
Meeting Agendas TMG agrees the Board’s meeting agenda/report will be in mailboxes by the Friday prior to the meeting. Financials would come over email and web site posting only but not in the report.
New signs. Thank you to TMG as the new signs are much easier to transport. There were comments that they are hard to read so improvements will be planned.
Ongoing needs and Ideas:
To serve as a reminder of possible projects.
Postcards commenting on exceptionally well kept yards.
Blog suggestion: Homeowner interest in developing a communication means via the internet to provide a way for homeowners to get acquainted and share ideas and issues.
WEB site addition; Homeowner comments on vendors they have used and how they felt about the quality of the work, maybe some helpful hints. The Board would not be recommending them but it could save some homeowners’ time and effort in doing all the research to find a vendor who does a good job. Clearmeadows Webmaster to be contacted about possibility.
FAQ’s on the WEB site. For example, a homeowner was surprised that homeowners are responsible for the lifting sidewalks in front of their homes even though they belong to the city. Homeowner suggested those who have signed up for e-mail notifications could get that information. The city cites for sidewalks in dangerous condition. WEBmaster to be contacted about possibility.
Community fence: As time permits, homeowners will be notified to correct issues on their side of the community fence regarding rotting boards and fence pushing out onto sidewalk area due to soil, vegetation, and rocks being placed against it.
Signs handling: (put out, pick up, store) needs new volunteers. We thank the one homeowner who is handling one of the signs. Three more are needed to provide sign handling to meet requirements for public notice. ANY VOLUNTEERS?
Executive meeting: convened at 7:15. Homeowner requests were discussed with Board and advised by Lynda. Decisions made and recorded by Lynda.
Regular meeting reconvened at 8:35.
Next meeting is Thursday, April 24, 2014, same place and time.
The meeting adjourned at 8.45 pm.