December 9, 2010


Meeting called to order at 3 PM by Carol Ivey, Vice President

Other members present:

Duane Vincent, Treasurer
David Smith, Secretary

Absent with notice Bea Weimer, President

Vacant-5th board position


Homeowner Open Forum; No homeowners attended.

Reading of the Minutes for October waived. Motion made and passed to accept Minutes as submitted.

Motion made and passed to have the treasurer’s report be part of the next Board Meeting. 

Motion made and passed to appoint Duane Vincent and Carol Ivey to continue as volunteer board members filling two two-year terms effective January 1, 2011 contingent upon a quorum at the reconvened annual homeowners board to be held at 6:30 pm.  If there is a quorum of homeowners, then a formal election will occur and this motion is null and void. 

Motion made and passed that $10,000 be moved from the yearly operating expense account to the Restricted Use Reserve fund. 

ARC Committee report-Carol

No requests were submitted. Al previous requests are closed and homeowners notified of decisions.

Violations report reviewed.

Collections were reviewed and request made to TMG to turn over only accounts exceeding the $1,000 indicated in the current Collections resolution.

One hardship was reviewed along with substantiating documents. TMG will inform homeowner of unanimous approval and the restrictions and limitations required.

Board expresses appreciation for the volunteer efforts of several homeowners. 

Meeting adjourned at 3:50 pm.

Note to all.  In order to have a quorum of board members for the board meeting to accomplish community business, the meeting schedule was and likely will continue to be either in the afternoon or in the evening, which time not to be known until the morning of the meeting date. The time depends upon the availability of a board member with an on call job. Notice is posted on the signboards in advance of the meeting.  If the board member can be available in the evening, that is when the meeting will be held. A notice will be posted on the door of the firehouse by 3 pm stating the meeting will be at 6:30 PM.  All homeowners are welcome and encouraged to attend whichever time the three-member board is able to convene.



Board members present;

Carol Ivey, Vice-president

Duane Vincent, Treasurer

Absent with notice David Smith, Secretary
Absent with notice Bea Weimer, President
Vacant-5th board position

Rosemary Tucker from TMG to establish quorum and to provide information to homeowners and the Board.

No election was possible because of lack of quorum.

No participant volunteered for vacant board positions for 2011. 

Duane and Carol agreed to fill the vacant seats for the two-year term effective January 1, 2011.  David’s position runs for another year.

Questions and discussion held regarding:

Increase in fees and that they are recommended by the professional reserve study done, the new and protected reserve fund set up and that there is an obligation to maintain the common areas and property; The reserve study report was on hand and obligations read and review of it offered and that it is posted on both WEB sites.

Duane explained the transfer of the $10,000 from the operating funds to restricted reserve funds and the hopes of limiting any future increase to the operating portion of the budget with frugal spending of Association fees.  The projected amount of the restricted reserve fund annual assessment will vary according to the then current needs of maintaining the community.

A homeowner was advised by Rosemary of the ways to change payment of the new amount.

Homeowner said they had difficulty paying but there is no ability by the association to make provisions in such cases.

A homeowner objected to application of the CCRs in regard to hardships.  Two homeowners questioned the value of the CCR’s.  Other homeowners presented opposing views.

Again, further discussion of why the budget is ratified without a majority vote of the homeowners; CCR’s rules are that the budget is ratified and business can continue to be done for the community if there is not a quorum with a majority vote to reject it as written.

Again, request for better communication with the homeowners; however, several recognized that many homeowners are not attentive to communications to them from TMG.

TMG has enabled e-mail notices to homeowners for information like a reminder that a quarterly payment is coming up. TMG representative Rosemary Tucker said all were encouraged to send her an e-mail saying they wished to be on the list. 

There was discussion regarding city and association rules regarding tree trimming and removal.

Rosemary adjourned meeting at 7:50 pm.