September 16, 2009

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT                             

Bea Weimer
Carol Ivey
Duane Vincent
Becky Smith


Michelle Underwood, Rebecca Blaisdell- The Management Group


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Bea Weimer.


A motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the August 18, 2009 Board Meeting.


The Treasurer’s report was presented by Duane Vincent.  The report was approved as submitted. A motion was made, seconded and carried to close the checking account at Bank of the West, with a balance of $1010.00 as of July 31, 2009, and transfer those funds to the General Operating Fund. A motion was made, seconded and carried to transfer $60,000.00 from General Operating ($32,336.84 from insurance settlement, and $27,663.16 from fence fund) into the Reserve Operation account` with Washington Trust Bank.


Resolutions – TMG to prepare draft Resolutions to provide to the Board with the next Board pack, to cover: Hardship, Collection Policy, and Fine and Enforcement Policy.

Vial Fotheringham Collection Program – TMG to contact office for copy of collection program contract that was provided to the Board. Review program/contract to see if it is the same as is being tried currently other communities. Report back to the Board in the next Board pack.

Budget – TMG to contact Mike with Kappes Miller to request copy of prepared budget, to include in Annual Meeting mailing.

Election – TMG to prepare draft of Annual Meeting Notice and provide to Carol for review/approval prior to mailing.

Meeting Schedule – The Board indicated that meetings are generally held the third Wednesday of each month, (depending on meeting room availability) TMG to provide monthly Board pack to the Board approximately one week prior to each Board meeting via email.  Monthly financials are generally completed by the 20th of each month, and will also be provided to the Board via email. Carol appointed to serve as contact liaison between Board and TMG.

Financials – TMG to scan August financials provided by Duane and email to the Board as a whole. 

Compliance – Discussion was held regarding the first compliance tour.                                                           

ARC – TMG to email ARC requests to the ARC Committee, currently consisting of Carol, Duane and Becky. Homeowners who question response time will be told there is a general response time of about 1 week.

Engagement 2009 Audit and Tax Return – TMG to notify Williamson & Associates to prepare an engagement letter for preparation of the 2009 Audit and Tax Return.

Rental Letters – An owner submitted a list of owners he believes are renting their homes within the community.  TMG to send letters to those owners to inquire if the homes are  rented, and inform owners of CC&R regulations regarding renting in the community.


Reimbursement – A motion was made, seconded and carried to reimburse Duane Vincent $22.23 for costs associated with repair to the pocket park bench, and postage.

REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE                             

Landscaping – TMG to contact Pacific Landscaping to schedule a landscape walk of the property. Coordinate scheduled date with Carol.

  1. Trees – TMG to contact City Forester regarding permit process for the removal of  five dead trees on 20th between 184th and 176th, and to notify Carol of response.
  2. Irrigation – TMG to request input from Pacific Landscaping on irrigation repairs. Determine which sprinklers were repaired and/or need capping. Also investigate buried heads along 20th.  


The Board adjourned into executive session at 7:55 p.m. to discuss the the fine waiver request from the owner of 17810 SE 20th Way; and the hardship request from the owner of 2307 SE 186th Avenue.


The following motions were made, seconded and carried upon reconvening from executive session:

  1. Waiver of $100 fine for the owner of 17810 SE 20th Way was approved. The letter will remain in effect, therefore any further parking violations will result in immediate fine status. Owner to be notified as such by TMG.
  2. Discussion of the hardship request from the owner of 2307 SE 186th Avenue has been tabled until further information is provided by the owner as to the specific nature of the hardship. TMG to notify owner additional information needed.  


There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

__________________________________                                                            _             

Rebecca Blaisdell, Managing Agent