Minutes of meeting March 19, 2009


The board meeting was called to order by Vice President Bea Weimer at 6:30pm.  Also in attendance were board members Duane Vincent and Carol Ivey. 

Minutes of February 19. 2009 meeting were read and approved.  The Treasurer’s report was read and approved. 

Motion made and approved to have Williamson & Associates perform the annual audit and prepare tax forms for an amount not to exceed $3780.00. 

The Board discussed having notification letter to go out with the July billing advising homeowners that the homeowners’ association billing for 2010 will be $150.00 payable January 1st and the other $150.00 payable July 1st.  The beginning date for annual billings has not been decided. A request to change grace period is being considered. 

Home B337 was approved for repainting. 

Homeowner in attendance requested landscape upgrade approval and submitted form. 

Motion made and approved for the fence repair contractor (A-1) to remove dirt from around the tree wells and the common fence; the cost not to exceed $2500.00.  This work is necessary to be done prior to painting the fence this spring.  This dirt removal and power washing will occur prior to the fence being painted. 

Motion made and approved to appoint Bea Weimer to a 2 year term of office on the Clearmeadows Board of Directors, the term to end on December 31, 2010. 

Motion made and approved to appoint Duane Vincent to a 2 year term of office on the Clearmeadows Board of Directors, the term to end on December 31, 2010. 

Motion made and approved to appoint Carol Ivey to a 2 year term of office on the Clearmeadows Board of Directors, the term to end on December 31, 2010. 

A request for volunteer board members went out in the April billing. 

Both WEB Masters attended and WEB potential was discussed.    Minutes in DRAFT form will be posted after each meeting to be revised and approved at the following meeting. A committee was formed to develop future improvements. Carol Ivey is the Board representative on the committee. 

A homeowner volunteered to stuff envelopes for mailings if newsletters or other information pieces for the homeowners were created. 

The board discussed plans for the annual meeting. 

The board adjourned the meeting at 8:15pm and went into executive session to discuss pending legal matters. 

Duane Vincent – acting as Secretary for the meeting

Treasurer and member of the Board of Directors