Clearmeadows Community Association

Board of Directors Meeting

May 21, 2008 

Meeting was called to order by President Chris Leedle at 6:35 p.m.


Minutes of the 4/16/08 were approved with reading waived. 


Treasurer’s report was read and approved. 


CC&R Review:


Status of the insurance claim: 


Repair and painting the perimeter fence:  Fence Committee members Don Maynard and Brian Legate reported they are still exploring options for repairing and painting the fence.


Sign sandblasting: Duane was asked the status of getting the signs done.  A $700 deposit was authorized and sent to the contractor at the April meeting.



Duane reported that the City of Vancouver would be putting up radar in the neighborhood on June 9 to encourage travelers to slow down. 


Kim Codino brought up that some grass/planting areas were damaged when the road was dug up recently and asked whether the contractor had agreed to repair same.


It was brought up that many homes have deteriorating paint and that it appears the homeowners have not been notified; this after a recent drive-through by K-M.


It as also brought up that the board was not receiving the month-end financial reports. 


The meeting closed at 8:15 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted, 

Monte Silliman/s


Clearmeadows Community Association