Clearmeadows Community Association

Board of Directors Meeting

March 19, 2008 

Meeting was called to order by President Chris Leedle at 6:33p.m.


Read of the Minutes of the 2/20/08 board meeting were waived. 

Treasurer’s report was read and approved. 

KM Representative Mike Swanson confirmed their figures were consistent with those presented in the Treasurer’s Report. 


CC&R Review: The issue of the CC&R committee’s ‘Good Homeowner Checklist’ was discussed.


Repair and painting the perimeter fence:  Chris confirmed the need to see if those members who expressed interest in serving on a ‘Fence Committee’ were still willing to serve.


4th of July:  It was reiterated that no person or persons has come forward to ‘Chair’ or ‘Co-Chair’ a July 4th event.


Status of the insurance claim:  Lori updated the board on her progress with reconstructing the events lead to the boards’ proposed claim.



Chris agreed to contact Bryan Murdock to add Mike Swanson, K-M Representative, to the ‘bod’ internet distribution. 

The meeting closed at 7:30 p.m. and moved to Executive Session to review and approve an ARC request. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Monte Silliman/s


Clearmeadows Community Association