Board of Directors Meeting

Fire Station #89, 17408 SE 15th Street

Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 6:00 PM


Call To Order

Secretary Ed Arevalo called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

The Board reviewed the previous meeting minutes.  The minutes were approved as presented.

Review Current Financials

NW Business Exclusive, LLC - Ed Arevalo detailed the financials.  The financials were approved as presented.  Ed noted that the function line item was a little high due to the final payments to the dumpsters and Got Junk.

Landscaping Report

J’s Landscape was not present. 

Community Report

Vice-President Melissa Waits stated that there have been several calls in regard to the 4th of July.  She also reported that there were several violation letters sent out for yard care.  Overall, the community looks great with the exception of a few homes that will continue receiving violation letters.

Old Business

New Business

Open Forum

**There were a few questions regarding the 4th of July.


The Meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.