Board of Directors Meeting

Fire Station #89, 17408 SE 15th Street

Wednesday, April 13th, 2005, 6:00 PM


Call To Order

President Marc Jones called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

President Marc Jones reviewed the previous meeting minutes.  The minutes were approved as presented.

Review Current Financials

NW Business Exclusive, LLC - Ed Arevalo detailed the financials.  The financials were approved as presented.  Ed noted that the landscape line item was abnormally higher due to the landscape improvements throughout the community.

Landscaping Report

J’s Custom Landscape reported that within 1 to 2 weeks they would acquire the proper permits from the City of Vancouver to resume construction of the 3 entrance signs.  He apologized for the delay and any inconveniences.  He advised the Board that a tree in the small pocket park had been broken again so the Board agreed to remove the remainder of the broken tree and replace with sod.

Management Report

NW Management was not at attendance per the request of the Board of Directors.  The Board unanimously agreed to terminate the contract with NW Management.  The Board decided to table the parking violations and phone calls until the new Management Company could review the files and correct the errors in the violation letters. 

President Jones stated that the record of Clearmeadows would be transferred to him and then in turn transfer the records to NW Business Exclusive, LLC.

Old Business

New Business

Open Forum

**Discussion ensued regarding the opinions of Dump It Day.

**One owner wanted to confirm if their Arch Request was approved.

**Two owners received violations for parking on the street.  One of the owners will submit an Arch  

    Request to widen his driveway; the other owner will make arrangements not to park on the street.

**One owner expressed his concern with his neighbors’ dogs barking. 


The Meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm.